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Recreational Fitness

Writer: Youth Medical ForumYouth Medical Forum

By Ananya Navin

Like it or not, exercise is something we have to do. And in a fast paced world where social media, AI, and fast food is now the norm, it is even more crucial that we exercise. 

Fast food, social media, and instant access to the internet have allowed us to progress forward and work better. However, the instant dopamine (the happy hormone) that we get in our brain from being on the internet and on social media means that we crave being indoors more than being active. This can have many effects on our physical and emotional wellbeing, as one would tend to feel more exhausted or sad. We may also be more addicted to our phones due to the instant dopamine we get from it. 

It doesn’t stop there. Fast food contains trans unsaturated fatty acids (TUFAs) and saturated fatty acids (SFAs), and both of these fats are extremely harmful. When in the blood, TUFAs and SFAs form low density lipoproteins (LDLs) which contain cholesterol. LDLs can accumulate in the walls of the artery, which can put you at the risk of developing coronary heart disease (CHD), or any other cardiovascular disease. Without physical activity, the risk is greater as the cholesterol will not be cleared.

The need for exercise is dire in this world. But what is exercise, you may ask?

Well, what comes to your mind when someone says “exercise”? Is it running a marathon? Swimming? Lifting weights? Going to the gym? For beginners (and especially those who would rather watch Netflix for seven hours straight than exercise), this sounds rather tedious, and also not at all fun. It can also feel scary for some, and you may not even have the time to implement this in your life. 

What if you were told that exercise didn’t have to be any of these activities? What if you were told that it could be something such as skateboarding, kickboxing, or dancing? Something you actually looked forward to doing?

The benefits of recreational exercise, be it zumba, roller skating and more, are just as impactful as the benefits of “conventional exercise”. The most obvious benefit that you can get is a healthier heart. Just like “conventional exercise”, recreational exercise can increase high density lipoprotein (HDL) levels, which can help clear out any cholesterol plaque in your arteries. 

That’s not all though! Recreational exercise can also help you emotionally and socially. You can do something as simple as walking your dog.This can release serotonin (a happy hormone) in your body, making you feel great. Also, exercising releases dopamine and endorphins (another happy hormone). 

Through recreational exercise, you are more inclined to socialise and spend time with others, as well as feel great physically and emotionally. So the next time you want to catch up on your instagram feed, just remember that no amount of dopamine that you get from social media will compare with dancing around in your room. 

Works Cited

Cheng, Ernest. “Benefits of Sport and Exercise on Mental Health and Social Well- Being.”, 16 Oct. 2023, exercise-on-mental-health-and-social-well-being. Accessed 27 Feb. 2024.

“Does Exercise Lower Cholesterol?” Cleveland Clinic, 2 Nov. 2021, Accessed 27 Feb. 2024.

Hasudungan, Armando. “Physiology of Lipoproteins Cholesterol.”, 2 June 2015, Accessed 27 Feb. 2024.

Haynes, Trevor. “Dopamine, Smartphones & You: A Battle for Your Time.” Science in the News, Harvard University, 1 May 2018, Accessed 27 Feb. 2024.

Mayo Clinic Staff. “Exercise and Stress: Get Moving to Manage Stress.” Mayo Clinic, 18 Aug. 2020, Accessed 27 Feb. 2024.



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